Techniques we employ

What’s in our toolbox?

There are some amazing chiropractic techniques out there. Over a 20+ year career Dr Saxon, (Ph.D) has learnt and optimised what he feels are the most effective for the vast majority of people. A real point of difference is the depth of diagnostic analysis he undertakes with the X-ray evaluation. He offers both manual and low-force techniques to give precise chiropractic adjustments that align your spine into the proper position. He also uses muscle work and exercises. No two people are treated the same and we’ll make our methods suit your needs.


We utilise the following techniques

Diversified Manual Adjusting

Chiropractors have been perfecting this time honoured technique since 1895. Many patients have grown to love this technique where we restore function to stuck joints in the spine and limbs to stimulate nerve receptors for movement and position (yes, they often crack!).


Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®)

Studies have found a huge association between altered spinal curvatures and chronic symptoms. CBP X-ray analysis is state of the art for diagnosing the abnormal curvatures that may be the underlying cause of chronic problems. This approach utilises the latest research in orthopaedics and biomechanics. A detailed comparison of your spine to the published normal allows us to then apply specific corrective adjustments using our Omni drop-piece tables followed by gradual structural remodelling of your spine at home using Dennerols. These are orthotic foam devices the patient lays on to restore normal curvatures. Applying this technique, enhances all the others!

Myopractic Therapy

Your body’s soft tissues may need to be addressed to provide optimal results. This technique allows Dr Saxon to address problems deep in the muscles, great for athletes and manual workers. This work can also be especially beneficial for those who are unsuited to manual adjustments, but still seek incredible results in their 70’s, 80’s and beyond.

corrective exercises

Thought only Physios prescribe corrective exercises? Think again! Dr Saxon is constantly researching and implementing the latest and most effective exercises for specific injuries, postural correction and optimal function. In our clinic, every patient gets homework!

Activator Methods®

Don’t like manual adjustments? Uncomfortable with the sound or idea of popping joints? Instrument adjusting may suit you better. Activator is the original instrument many chiropractic patients have come to love.